Every year we have approx. 400–500 housing assignments underway in Scandinavia - all with high architectural quality, adapted to tomorrow's modern buyers. Together with private and public actors, we develop entire residential areas, large and small, both new establishments and rehabilitation.

Seniorbofællesskabet Egehaven is designed to create a strong community culture - with various gardens, workshops and areas that encourage casual meetings. Illustration: Aesthetica Studio
Architecture creates value
A home is so much more than just a place to eat and sleep. The home should be the safest physical place in life - and it should always feel pleasant to come home. In all our projects, and perhaps especially housing projects, we seek to create real value. The value-creating effect should always embrace the residents' environment, economy, and well-being without necessarily incurring an added cost for the developer.
Advice all the way
We often enter as advisors in the early phase of a housing project, and we are often involved as professional sparring partners throughout the project phases. The advisory process forms the basis for assisting in the best possible way and makes it possible to create a solid understanding of the area's opportunities and our customers' values and visions. Through our involvement at an early stage, we can, together with the customer, develop a clear strategy that paves the way for the work ahead. This strategy forms the basis for how the project is anchored in municipalities, neighbours, and other stakeholders.
We continue the process
LINK is happy to take on the role of a driving force for the entire project. Creating commitment and drive is essential to gain the attention of opinion leaders and participation in the right companies. We are architects and engineers, as well as project managers and process drivers. And we understand the importance of mutual trust and close cooperation for a successful outcome.
Realistic processes
Creativity and innovation are the essences of what we do. Nevertheless, we have a realistic view of the implementation phase of the housing projects. We have a good understanding of the contractor's situation. We always start with the question, "what gives the best effect, and what is the least cost-driving?". From there, we design and build homes with the highest possible quality that facilitate a good environment - both for people and society. And, above all - a home where you can thrive and feel at home.
LINK gathers all expertise under one roof
We who work at LINK are not "just" architects. Here you will find engineers, project managers, communicators, and digital savvy, which is necessary to drive the best housing projects. We can contribute much more than "just" design with all the expertise gathered under one roof. And if we do not find precisely the cutting-edge knowledge you need with us, we promise you that it is in our network.

Fyrstikkbakken 14 is designed with several smart solutions for future forms of housing. The project is one of the first commercial housing projects based on FutureBuilt's environmental strategy, quality and level of ambition. Illustration: 3D Estate