Spira på Drottninghög, LINK Arkitektur


A new landmark for Drottninghög

Drottninghög is facing a major transformation and is part of H22 City Expo, exploring how we can build the welfare of the future through sustainable and smart cities. An area with identity, safety and attractiveness is being created here – an area to be proud of.


The Drottninghög district is undergoing extensive redevelopment. In collaboration with 3Hus, we were chosen to create the new landmark, with a focus on social and ecological sustainability.

An urban landmark

Our vision is to create an urban landmark with a building that gradually steps up from 3 to 16 storeys. Public functions will be located both at street level and at the top of the building, to create life and movement and simultaneously to take advantage of green spaces and their ability to stimulate interaction. In this way, we invite the city into this renewed area.

The building, with a total area of 8000 m2, will contain a combination of tenant-owner and rented properties, together with public spaces to reach a wide target group and balance the area’s existing offerings.

A sustainable lifestyle 

The entire building is permeated by ecological, social and economic sustainability. Residents will be offered training in a sustainable lifestyle, bicycle parking will be prioritised and rainwater reused. Green spaces with city gardens, surface water retention and green roofs are some of the initiatives that have been taken to promote biological diversity.

Want to know more about the project?