Estrid Ericsonskolan i Hjo. Skola byggd i tegel och trä. Foto

Estrid Ericsons School

Modern design meets tradition

In the design of the building, the architects were inspired by designer Estrid Ericson and her work. It became important to represent the town of Hjo with its wooden buildings and its artisan tradition as well as the love of learning. This was true for the architectural design as well as the materials and interiors.

Estrid Ericsonskolan, LINK Arkitektur. Foto
We have designed a school where the city's rich history meets the learning environments of the future, a school that the the residents can be proud of. It is with joy that we now see it filled with students and teachers!
Sofia Lilja, ansvarig arkitekt
Estrid Ericsonskolan, LINK Arkitektur. Foto

The school has been designed to allow for future expansion and can be adapted to local needs as and when required. Organic, rounded shapes are repeated both in the interior and exterior. The building is divided into different parts that adapt to the sloping site. Two of the building bodies are clad in Danish brick, which creates a tactile and solid expression. The remaining part of the façade is clad in wood, with a pattern inspired by the rolling cornfields that surround the town. The brick and wood façade creates a beautiful and timeless aesthetic.

Estrid Ericsonskolan. Foto
Estrid Ericsonskolan. Foto
Estrid Ericsonskolan. Foto
Estrid Ericsonskolan. Foto
Estrid Ericsonskolan, LINK Arkitektur. Foto

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