Culture house Brønden
A new natural meeting place
Since its inauguration, Kulturhuset Brønden has functioned as a natural meeting place for the residents in Brøndby municipality, allowing citizens to gather across their differences. Brønden is part of a larger neighbourhood improvement, and the distinctive building was warmly welcomed by the ethnically mixed residents.
Brøndby has a special mix of high and low, dense and scattered housing. In this open and mixed urban landscape, the construction of the new cultural centre creates interaction and coherence between buildings, terrain and planting.
The cultural centre
When you arrive at the cultural centre, you are naturally guided to the inner “urban square”, where the main entrance and café are located. From here, visitors can orient themselves and choose to take advantage of the many facilities on offer, such as the drop-in centres, library, gym or the exhibitions in the central hall.
The closed office and common facilities are placed on the first floor, with direct access to the living room through the large continuous atrium. From here, there are views to the beachside esplanade and the recreational green areas.
Relationship with its surroundings
The project aims to optimise the building’s relationship to its surroundings and adapt the scale, height and architectural design of the cultural centre to the complex character of the area, while still embracing a contemporary architectural expression.